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MEP engineers and fabricators benefit from schedule upgrades that make it easier to document design intent in Revit. The Design to Fabrication tool has been enhanced to provide a smoother, more consistent workflow. Mechanical systems analysis sees significant improvements—from the ability to view energy analytical models in 3D views to the display of detailed load and sizing reports directly in Revit.
Revit is powered by you, our users. This release reflects our commitment to listening to you and responding. We hear you on Revit Ideas and on the Revit Forum, in the Preview Community and in Futures Briefings, in our Inside the Factory events, and at Autodesk University, and through the many emails, Zoom calls, and conversations that make building Revit one of the best jobs in the world.
We thank you for the feedback and collaboration. While new features are great—and we think those in Revit are especially great—we also know that the decision to upgrade is a business decision and worthy of careful consideration.
Aaron discusses what to be aware of, and why Parallax Team is recommending Revit to their customers. With that, onto the Revit highlights! Skip to content. Facebook YouTube Linkedin. Thanks to each of these contributors to Unreal Engine 4. Schar, francis. Canada, kristjanvalur, KristofMorva, LizardThief, lolmx, Magic Leap, Mattiwatti, mengran, mhoelzl-br, MichaelBell, Microsoft, moppius, muchcharles, muchcharles charlesalexander at gmail.
With this release, we're excited to announce that the hair rendering system is ready for production! Over the last several releases, we've continued to improve hair rendering with visual improvements that are both performant and scalable across mid to high-end devices, and that supports a wider range of features across Unreal Engine.
The new Groom Asset Editor replaces the properties editor with a fully-featured editor where you can manage and edit your imported grooms with visual representation in its own viewport. This release is the culmination of work to bring dynamic time-of-day lighting for large worlds from sky, atmosphere, and cloud systems. We've also added a unified window to create and edit these environment and lighting components in a single place. We've added a new cloud rendering system for large scale cloudscapes and atmospheric fog that offers a fully dynamic, material-driven workflow for cloud creation with scalable quality across console and desktop platforms.
The system supports cinematic quality for film and television productions. The material-driven workflow provides an artist-friendly approach using volume textures to create any number of cloud types and variations from billowing clouds extending into the atmosphere, a dreary overcast day, or even a cyclone that can be combined with weather effects you create. The cloud system fully integrates and supports interactions with environment lighting from sky atmosphere, sky light, and two directional lights representing the sun and moon.
Get started using the cloud system by dragging a Volumetric Cloud component into your scene and assigning a material with a volume texture to it. The Sky Atmosphere component sees several new and improved features this release that make it easier to use and scale quality across your projects. Opaque shadow distance, depth bias, and scalable shadow map resolution can be controlled by setting a decent shadow map resolution and extent to cover the world and achieve reasonable performance.
Clouds also occlude atmosphere multiple scattering below them. This sort of ambient occlusion is important for creating dark, menacing storms. Improved scalability using a slider for the sample count used to trace the atmosphere. Enabling volumetric shadows from opaque meshes or clouds requires more samples when tracing the atmosphere in order to make sure all the volumetric shadow details are captured.
The sampling quality is now adjustable on the Sky Atmosphere component. For cinematics, you can achieve higher quality results by increasing the sample count cap using the console variable r. SampleCountMax and typing in a higher value in the property field of the Sky Atmosphere component. For more information, see the Sky Atmosphere documentation. Sky lighting now supports real-time scene capture for atmosphere, clouds, height fog, and opaque meshes using an Unlit Material with Is Sky enabled , which improves on, and is faster than, the Blueprint node.
For more information, see the Sky Light documentation. The new Environment Light Mixer brings all your environment lighting components for sky, clouds, directional and sky lights into a single window for ease of access and editing.
Designers and artists can create and edit these components from this window and choose the level of detail the properties panel displays. Start using the Environment Light Mixer in your scenes by selecting it from the main menu under the Window dropdown.
For more information, see the Environment Light Mixer documentation. We have a new, fully-featured water rendering and meshing system that supports large, open worlds enabling you to quickly create rivers, lakes, and oceans using spline-based workflows.
The water system also offers unified shading and rendering pipeline integration along with surface meshing that supports physics interactions and fluid simulation with gameplay. The Water plugin makes use of the existing Landmass plugin in order to let Water Body Actors interact with terrain surfaces using the non-destructive Landscape Edit Layers feature.
The water system represents two functional components of world building, building and editing the rivers, lakes and oceans to seamlessly blend with your world, and a rendering and shading pipeline that uses materials and post processing to define the look and feel. The water rendering pipeline includes a number of improvements, enhancements, and properties that helps you define the look of water in your world.
For you, this means being able to create your own materials or start with an editable, default material provided with the engine. It enables you to create, from the start, any types of water with a look you define, such as murky lakes, flowing rivers, or beautiful blue oceans. An underwater post process material that is automatically applied based on camera location that also allows for partial submersion in water.
Specified transitions between water body types that are material driven, such as the transition of a flowing river into a calm lake. A caustics generation tool to help you define and render your own caustic materials, which can be applied below shallow water surfaces. The Single Layer Water shading model that provides a physically based water surface with one depth layer that supports refraction and user-defined scattering, absorption, and extinction coefficients.
Whether you're adding water to a small scene or an open world, creating and editing them should be fairly seamless and effortless to do. Water Body Actors enable you to choose from a variety of water body types that can be placed in your level to represent water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. The spline based workflow for each of these water body types makes it intuitive and easy to jump in and start creating and editing your levels quickly.
Create simple or complex worlds using different Water Body Actors that support blending and editing with terrain surfaces. Like Landscape Terrain, the Water Body mesh uses placed tiles that dynamically scale based on distance to achieve highly tessellated and detailed water surfaces up close and less detail further away.
Water Bodies feature a highly customizable Gerstner wave simulation that can be used for creating simple to complex water surfaces, making it simpler to create and edit the look of each water body placed in the world. The spline-based workflow provides quick access to editing and duplicating water bodies to fill your world.
An interactive fluid physics simulation that allows for character and object interaction on water surfaces. These are represented by anything from water ripples, foam, and splashes. This release expands the functionality of Movie Render Queue formerly known as High-Quality Media Export by adding new workflows and export capabilities.
In order to generate content for use in the various aspects of a standard production pipeline, such as dailies, post, editorial, etc. The following channels are currently supported:. Individual shots can be enabled or disabled to isolate the specific shots that you want to render.
Additionally, there are several UX improvements to streamline exporting and batch rendering when using a third-party render management tool, such as Deadline. Nonlinear animation enables you to quickly create, modify, join, and blend animation assets in order to create new animations and cinematics. This improves workflows around re-using and creating animation sequences, which is particularly helpful for virtual production.
This means that you are no longer restricted to just importing skeletal animation data into Sequencer. You can specify what controls to import, and you can filter options for how the animation curves map to Controls. In this release, we have added several features to nDisplay to improve the user experience and be able to render to different kinds of display surfaces.
You can now easily customize your nDisplay config file with the JSON file format and use the binary format with cluster events for improved data throughput and latency.
Easily configure your nDisplay setup with the new nDisplay Configuration Viewer. The viewer shows a tree of the configuration hierarchy, render nodes, windows, viewports, inputs, cameras, and projection policies—each with its own Details panel.
You can also see a 2D layout of the viewports and a 3D representation of the projection policies. In an in-camera VFX scenario, you can see improved performance if you assign one GPU to render the camera inner frustum and another GPU to render the outer frustums with a lower screen percentage. We have added integration and support for VIOSO technology in Unreal Engine for projector warping and soft edge blending on highly complex surfaces.
We have added integration and support for DomeProjection ProjectionTools technology in Unreal Engine for projector warping and soft edge blending on massive dome surfaces.
You can load warp and blend files in the native DomeProjection format using the nDisplay projection policy native SDK integration. We have added deterministic rendering for real-time features such as Chaos to achieve visual coherency when rendering across cluster render nodes. The Sky Atmosphere was being captured by one of the Scene Capture Components used by nDisplay, even when flagged to not do so, and this would manifest as a brighter upper half of the scene.
We've provided a workaround so this issue should not occur anymore in nDisplay. Features demonstrated in the project include:. In this release, we redesigned the UI and added more user input for collaborative sessions. We also improved performance so your session can scale to a larger number of users. You can communicate with other users in a session using voice over IP, enabled by default in the project. You can toggle voice communication on or off in the desktop UI. The 3D avatars have been revamped and an indicator now appears when remote participants are not in view.
We made performance improvements to the networking Blueprints to avoid bottlenecks and disconnections. The network settings have been tuned for high load so you can have more participants with smoother object manipulation and movements. You can now use two hands or controllers to interact with different objects at the same time in your immersive experience.
We also included a companion web app with default widgets, such as sliders, gauges, and buttons, for controlling properties remotely in the engine. Persistent Web Connections - Your WebSocket connections now persist so you can receive live data without closing the connection. Web Server in a Packaged App - You can now run a web server in your packaged app to be able to control it remotely from a web app.
With this panel, you can expose properties in the UI and expose Function Libraries that aren't viewable in the Details panel. Chaos Physics is the lightweight physics simulation solution used in Fortnite. With this beta release, we are making it available for developers learning to work with this feature.
PhysX is on by default with Unreal Engine 4. Chaos Destruction. See the Chaos Physics overview for more information about these features. Otherwise, to convert a PhysX Vehicle to Chaos, read this conversion guide. We are releasing the runtime Zen Loader for next-generation consoles to leverage the latest in hardware technology with benefits including:. The Mesh Creation tools have been expanded with additional tools and enhancements to further facilitate the creation of mesh assets inside the engine.
The updates to the toolset create an expanded workflow for basic modeling and editing tasks in the editor. Parametric primitives received their own toolbar to make accessing this standard set of customizable primitive shapes easier. We have added two new tools for the creation of custom revolved meshes. Artists can interactively draw a new cross section in the Editor window or select an existing one, and revolve it to create a large number of unique shapes.
Users can now mirror a selected mesh around a defined axis. Optionally, the new mesh can be merged with the original mesh or another new mesh can be generated:. The Mirror tool now includes several enhancements that removes dependence on symmetry and combines several repetitive functions into a single tool that enables you to combine and weld your meshes together, flip normals, and mirror your assets across an axis.
The Mesh Creation toolset now includes the Boolean Tool. Boolean operations create a single static mesh using the intersection, union, or difference of multiple static meshes. The Boolean toolset also provides the option to subtract the overlap of two static meshes or extract just the trimmed out section of those meshes. The Mesh Editing toolset has been extended with new tools to accommodate common modeling techniques and practices. Additionally, existing tools now have new options for greater usability.
Using Insert Edge , quad based Polygroups can be interactively split with the option to retriangulate the resulting mesh for cleaner topology. The Edge Loop tool can be used to add single or multiple edge loops onto a mesh that has quad based polygroups. Artists can now create shelled meshes or expand existing mesh forms using the Offset tool to offset a mesh by a specified value. Tangents can now be configured or recalculated on a selected mesh using the Edit Tangents tool.
The Sculpting and Deformation tools have been extended with new features and brush options. Artists can now create custom weight maps in-engine which can enhance the functionality of the Smooth and Displace tools. Further expanding the number of 3D applications supported by Datasmith, we now support Autodesk Navisworks. Our Navisworks Exporter plugin contains many of the same features found in our other Datasmith exporters and has support for Navisworks , Navisworks , and Navisworks The plugin fully supports exporting metadata from your Navisworks scenes.
The data is prepended with tab names using the following format:. As part of our goal to support the widest range of 3D applications, Unreal Engine now supports exporting Datasmith files directly from Rhino.
Our new exporter works similarly to our existing Datasmith plugins, and features support for MacOS and Rhino 6. The plugin maintains object names, pivot points, material names, layers, hierarchy, etc. To help preserve these important details, you can now add custom properties on assets as a key value pair, and have these values carried over to your scene as Datasmith metadata:.
The Rhino Exporter plugin can export data loaded through worksessions as part of your scene. Datasmith will import the data as if these objects were a part of the native scene. A number of different applications use the USD format and several enhancements have been added to it to facilitate the integration of Unreal into existing production pipelines:. The new importer will import static meshes, skeletal meshes, morph targets, anim sequences, materials, actors, cameras, lights and hierarchical static mesh components HISM.
The USD exporter now has the ability to export vertex colors, opacities, LODs, and material assignments when exporting static meshes. Alembic is widely used throughout the Media and Entertainment industries as a mechanism for caching out complex static or animated data into streamable cache files on disk.
Unreal Engine now supports streaming cached Alembic data directly into the engine without having to first import it as a Geometry Cache. TextureShare supports synchronization mechanisms and thread barriers so that coherency is kept between shared applications. You can use this feature through nDisplay or standalone. We've restructured the Virtual Camera architecture to be a modular Component so you can customize, extend, or create your own Virtual Camera. We've also provided a new Virtual Camera implementation built on this redesigned architecture for a production-ready solution.
Virtual Cameras not using this new architecture are now deprecated. Ability to overlay custom UMG controls over the output and interact with them in the Editor or on a device. Added the Modifier system to manipulate camera data with custom effects such as filtering, tracking, and autofocus. ARKit data from the app is now sent with Live Link. Playback for tiled based media will only stream what is in the camera's view to the GPU.
This means that the entire clip does not need to stream and significantly cuts down on processing time, making the playback quick and efficient. With bi-directional communication and interaction over ArtNet and aSCN networks, you can control stage shows and lighting fixtures from Unreal, and pre-visualize the show in a virtual environment during the design phase.
In this set of quality of life improvements for broadcasters and live event producers, the DMX plugin adds better UX, consolidated UI elements, improved performance, refactored code, and DMX Matrix support. This integration makes it possible to create a custom DMX timeline, enabling users to easily and quickly make linear lighting experiences that make use of animation and event triggering.
With this mechanism, we enable developers to use live render target texture data to drive DMX fixtures or to drive low-resolution LED panels and devices — essentially, every pixel represents a DMX fixture. To learn more, read about the DMX Plugin. We also show developers how to pre-visualize previs live venues, utilize fixture control, and work with a real-time content trigger.
Using DMX, you can pre-visualize live show stages and a variety of live venues with the following features. Using DMX in Unreal Engine, you can trigger real-time, generative or pre-recorded content with the following features. To learn more, download the template and read the DMX Template overview guide. You're able to view these reports from any machine in the session and you can contextualize the reports into critical sections for easy filtering as well as export them as a JSON file.
Switchboard is an extensible PySide app that coordinates the many devices and tools interacting with the scene and generating data on a Virtual Production stage. Switchboard supports the following operations:. Launch multiple Unreal Engine and nDisplay instances on different machines and automatically connect them with the Multi-User Editor.
Set take naming and initiate recording in Unreal Engine via Take Recorder and on additional performance capture software and devices. You can now use your XR devices as virtual cameras for performance capture or as live camera tracking for live action shoots with the Live Link XR plugin.
The Live Link workflow is the same whether using XR devices or other tracking systems, so you can exchange your tracking system based on the needs of the project and the availability of the devices.
The Visual Dataprep tool offers a clear workflow with high-level building blocks to describe preparation processes, from data import to UE asset creation. Dataprep is now production ready and has received user interface and usability improvements. Users also have access to a variety of new operators and selection filters. These include Decimation, UV generation, and more.
Improved Graph and Selection Tools - Dataprep has received several improvements to the graph and selection tools. You can now select Actors in the Scene Preview that are using assets selected in the Content Preview.
The reverse can also be done. When using the Preview filter, the selection will be automatically synchronized with the Content Preview and the Scene Preview. You can now extend your control over the color space of the images and linear media you render with Unreal, keeping colors consistent all the way from camera capture through your work in the Unreal Editor to final output.
Branching and looping give the ability to create flexible and dynamic Control Rigs with a minimal amount of setup. Looping allows users to create dynamically populated collections of objects bone chains, lists of controls that can be iterated upon.
This significantly reduces the size of graphs, and improves graph performance, construction time and the flexibility of the rigs. Users can now modify existing skeletal animations with easy to use Control Rigs. The new Backwards Event node defines how a bone maps to a control or other controlling logic. This enables users to drive Control Rigs with Gameplay logic in Blueprints, re-initialize Control Rigs to fit differently proportioned characters, and read or write other Control Rig data directly.
Additionally, users can now attach non-skeletal mesh objects to the Control Rig hierarchy with accessors in the Control Rig Component. For users who need to procedurally modify character poses at runtime, the Fullbody IK solver has been added. Based on Jacobian Pseudoinverse Damped Least Squares, the Fullbody IK Control Rig node has additional properties for controlling stiffness, bone limits, pole vectors, and other solver parameters.
With additional properties, such as constraints and stiffness settings, users can refine the solver to meet specific artistic requirements. Unreal Engine's light baking system, Lightmass, now offers a next-generation GPU-based variant built from the ground up. GPU Lightmass improves on the CPU-based Lightmass system by leveraging DirectX 12 and DXR ray tracing capabilities to significantly reduce the time it takes to build complex scenes, achieving speeds on a single host comparable to a distributed swarm render of the CPU-based system.
Credits: Art created by Dekogon Studios - www. With the addition of Memory Insights , Unreal Insights now gives users visibility into how their applications use memory so developers can better understand how their work impacts application performance and engine behavior.
While using the Slate Insights extension, developers can use Slate Frame View to get a list of Widgets being painted, invalidated, or updated per frame. If the developer enables GlobalInvalidation, they can identify the Widgets responsible for a costly frame.
The traditional mobile rendering pipeline is improved, including both optimizations of existing features and newly available post-processes. We have added texture compression support for runtime virtual textures on mobile. This will enable mobile devices to use virtual textures with greatly improved performance. Refer to the Virtual Texturing Reference for more information on how to work with virtual textures.
Reflection Capture Components now support texture compression on Mobile devices. This reduces the memory footprint of reflection capture, making it more viable for Mobile projects. Ground-Truth Ambient Occlusion is now available for mobile devices. This implementation of ambient occlusion enables mobile projects to improve the appearance of indirect lighting and shadows with a low performance cost. With GTAO enabled, ambient occlusion is noticeable in the corners of this scene.
Modular Building Set courtesy of PurePolygons. When implementing GTAO on Mobile, Mali devices will experience performance issues, as they have fewer than maximum compute shader threads. Dynamic spotlight shadows are now supported on Mobile. This allows spotlights to cast shadows on both static and moveable meshes. We have added Pixel Projected Reflection support for Mobile devices in 4.
MobilePPRExclusive — The planar reflection actor will only be used for pixel projected reflections on mobile platforms. We continue to expand feature coverage and push the boundaries of ray tracing in games, such as our recent effort to bring ray tracing support to Fortnite.
Our effort to support ray tracing in Fortnite has increased real-time performance and brought a number of optimizations that improve quality, and can be used in your own projects. Improved GPU Performance with more accurate disabling of non-visually relevant world position offset WPO evaluation, spatial structure for more efficient lighting sampling, culling options for objects behind the camera view, and more.
Increased Stability that resolves many crashes and sources of instability within the engine that have been found wider adoption of ray tracing in games and projects. Many Visual Improvements for ray tracing features that includes improved global illumination quality and performance with support for two-side foliage, extended translucency support, translucent shadows, and more. Our Baking tools enable you to conveniently bake maps for normals, ambient occlusion, curvature, position and texture straight to your project's Content Browser..
Artists can select meshes and bake maps based on specific UV channels. Our UV Editing tools continue to expand with new options for displaying and adjusting UV layouts inside the editor. The new UV Display options provide a way to visualize the UV layout of the mesh in the editor viewport while using any one the UV tools.
The new Cut Selected Edge UV tool provides artists with a convenient way to adjust the UV map of a static mesh without having to make changes and export again from their 3D software. Edit collision and volume shapes directly in the engine using our new suite of Volume Editing tools. Convert BSP shapes, existing volumes, or collision shapes into static mesh Actors and edit them using the Mesh Editing tools.
These meshes can then be converted back to a volume or collision shape once they have been customized. We are now actively working on a new Temporal Upsampling algorithm that is specifically designed for next generation platforms and PC.
We're currently shipping and battle testing Fortnite at 4K using this new algorithm. While it is under active development, Gen5 Temporal Upsampling enables higher image quality output than the current Temporal Anti-Aliasing TAA and Temporal Upsampling, despite requiring it to be configured with a lower screen percentage to accommodate its additional performance cost within an identical frame rate for a fair quality comparison.
The performance benefit of a higher quality temporal upsampling technique really comes when lowering the screen percentage beyond compensating for the higher upscaling costs. It frees new GPU budget on the rest of the frame to reinvest by enabling, or increasing, quality of other rendering features that ultimately contribute to a final output pixel of higher quality. The older Gen4 Temporal Upsampling will be maintained and isolated from active development of Gen5's to avoid any regression on existing content for as long as we support these platforms.
We have added support for Python 3. The engine is shipping with Python 3. After this release, Python 2. If you need to continue to use Python 2. For details on how to change the Python version in the engine, see Scripting the Editor using Python. Datasmith continues to receive performance improvements and expand its support for your favorite 3d software packages:. The Datasmith for 3ds Max plugin has been expanded with support for several Corona Materials and Maps. Datasmith has received several performance enhancements that will better support Automotive and Manufacturing users with large and complex CAD models:.
Implementations of a temporary solution for reading Siemens JT monolithics models in Multi-Threading. If you're a third-party developer wanting to add Datasmith support to a design application that runs on Mac OS X, you can now use the tools and helper classes in the Datasmith export API to create your own exporter to translate your objects and scene data to.
Animation Insights now supports tracing the properties of gameplay-relevant objects such as actors, components or anim instances. This allows you to visualize how properties in your objects are changing over time without needing an external debugger, as well as supporting both native and Blueprint classes. To use it, enable the 'ObjectProperties' trace channel, then in editor right-click on your actor to trace its properties. Components and other objects can have their properties traced by right-clicking on their track in Insights.
Animation Blueprint nodes can now have their pin-exposed parameters bound to any accessible property in your game via the Property Access system. Supports bindings to functions, arrays, linked objects, nested structures and all combinations of the above. Quartz , a new audio tool in 4.
With Quartz, you can play world sounds on perfect, sample-accurate time boundaries musical or otherwise and arbitrarily synchronize those sound emitters across the world.
The new Audio Modulation plugin includes a more intuitive subset of features for mixing source audio, and for dynamically controlling and parameterizing audio properties by:. Providing an API that can be easily extended, and used for further modulation of sources, effects, submixes, and various other audio types via plugins. Stream caching is a way of loading audio at any point and releasing it automatically when not in use.
With stream caching, you set a fixed memory budget for audio and the engine handles the rest, streaming in audio data as needed. This gives sound designers the advantage of loading audio assets as needed without overrunning memory boundaries. While this feature has been around since 4. In Unreal Engine 4. These are available for iOS devices as well as Android devices using Vulkan. The iOS implementation is considered Beta in terms of feature readiness, while the Android Vulkan implementation is considered Experimental.
For more information about these rendering options, refer to the Forward Shading Renderer guide. Unreal Engine 4. This mode supports high-quality reflections, large numbers of dynamic lights, lit decals, and other techniques that are not supported by mobile forward shading. Anisotropy is now ready for production! We've improved on its performance and have exposed it by default without introducing any additional performance tax when it is unused.
Anisotropy can be used to control the shape and orientation of specular highlights and reflections, most commonly to represent brushed metal materials. When a material uses anisotropy, an anisotropic pass is enabled that emits additional gbuffer properties for just the objects using the anisotropic material. Additionally, if the scene contains anisotropic materials the lighting pass will light each pixel using the anisotropic BRDF only if that pixel contains anisotropic properties.
Effectively, the cost of anisotropy is proportional to the number of pixels displaying such a material. It currently does not support area lights, or spot and directional lights with a source area size. For more information about Anisotropy, see the Material Inputs documentation.
While debugging a user interface UI , reproducing an input for example, from a Gamepad or Keyboard sequence without interfering with a process can be challenging. With this release, we provide a tool to debug UI navigation, and to visualize the static behavior of navigation events. This enables developers to efficiently identify inputs that are related to a specific UI bug.
To learn more, read about Widget Reflector. The console version of Slate Debugger now features the following profiling extensions. With GlobalInvalidation mode enabled, the debugger will help developers find Widgets that frequently invalidate the user interface.
A routing option that enables developers to observe how the system selects a Widget as the event handler. To learn more, read the Console Slate Debugger reference. The LiDar Point Cloud plugin features improvements to performance and workflow, as well as added support for more file types. The plugin now allows the user to calculate the Normal vector for points. This can be done for the whole cloud or for selections.
The RAM requirements to import, process, and export point clouds have been significantly reduced. Invert selection: A toggle has been added to allow switching between all selected and all unselected points. LidarIncrementalBudget X - if set to true, this will automatically increase point budget to very high values sub 10 FPS as long as the viewport remains stationary.
The platform-specific plugins are still available in 4. You can choose whether to use the OpenXR plugin or the platform-specific plugins. You can now designate points of interest to persist in the real world between sessions for your immersive mobile apps. This is an API update. These changes should go unnoticed by end-users who do not work with the source code. Split transitions enable overlap of workloads on the same hardware pipeline, and more explicit state transitions result in more targeted GPU cache flushes.
The new transition API requires both the current and destination states of the resource, mirroring the design of modern graphics APIs. This allows for more precise barriers to be sent to the GPU, which can improve performance in some cases. We have also removed most of the implicit barriers which were performed internally by the RHIs, most notably those inside BeginRenderPass.
The calling code must now explicitly transition render targets to the correct state before starting a render pass. The current state of a resource can be difficult to track in some cases. We recommend using the Render Dependency Graph RDG for new rendering code, as it takes care of state tracking and barrier batching.
The old transition API is now deprecated and will be removed in a future engine release. Existing code which uses these functions will trigger compiler warnings, and will need to be converted to use the new API. We have added a validation layer which checks if resources are in the correct state when commands are submitted draw calls, compute shader dispatches, copy operations etc.
This can be enabled by adding the -rhivalidation flag to the command line, and it works with any RHI. The RDG implementation now supports async compute scheduling, merging of render passes, culling of unused passes, merging of read-only states and split transitions tracked at the subresource granularity. Uniform buffers with RDG resources are now supported. The deferred renderer has been further refactored to use a unified RDG builder instance.
Everything after the depth pre-pass is now a monolithic render graph. The Re-tessellate tool has been enhanced to give users more control over which surfaces they would like to regenerate triangles. This feature provides the same digital signal processing, or DSP, as the stereo delay for source effects, but applied to submix effects.
By favoring fast reference collection, we improved the performance of garbage collection by reducing FArchive usage. To learn more, read about Garbage Collection. The Variant Manager continues to make it easy to set up variations and toggle the visibility of Actor hierarchies.
Users can now set up dependencies between Variants, use Python to set Variant thumbnails, and set a thumbnail image for Variant Sets. We are introducing a new shader compiler for Metal on Windows. This enables Windows users to compile shaders for iOS projects with a greatly simplified workflow, as they will no longer need to use remote shader compiling.
Additionally, users can re-map gamepad buttons for Xbox and PlayStation controllers at the OS level, and the OS provides handling for the button display. As of 4. We have integrated a new patching plugin called ChunkDownloader into Unreal Engine 4. I also agree to receive email newsletters, account updates, notifications and communications from other profiles, sent by germanydating. A must-read for English-speaking expatriates and internationals across Europe, Expatica provides a tailored local news service and essential information on living, working, and moving to your country of choice.
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